Do You Ever Take a Break From Art?
I have not painted in over a month. Sometimes that happens because of vacations, visiting family away from home. But now that I’m back, I’m having a bit of a motivational problem. I’ve sold 1 medium painting and several small ones over the last 6 months, but my inventory is stacking up and I’m finding that even though I like what I do, I’m not selling as much as I’d like to, and it gets discouraging, especially when I start running out of room in my studio to store them. I am just not feeling very inspired.
Do you ever get that way?
I am in a gallery called Art on 12 ( and I get a lot of compliments on my work, but 100 times more admirers than buyers. People like to look, but few are actually in the market for art, and even fewer have, or are willing to spend, the money for fine art.
The art world is fickle. People’s tastes change. What is popular is today may not be tomorrow. I’m noticing that brash colors and abstracts are selling a lot more than impressionistic landscapes. I may be out of touch or living in the wrong era.