Oil on Canvas

Wimberley Art Show Tonight!
I am honored to have 3 paintings selected for the Wimberley Valley Art League Gallery Show which opens tonight (Feb. 27, 2023)at 5pm at the Wimberley Community Center. The show will be up till April 1.
14068 Ranch Road 12
Wimberley, TX 78676
In the Blanco Brew
Now through March 30th, I’m in the Blanco Brew in Wimberley. I have 2 recent sales. One at the Brew and one online!

2 Paintings Sold on Instagram
I am blessed and surprised! I was wondering if the Instagram platform would work for sales. I just sold 2 paintings for $1,100 !

Happy New Year!!!
I sold a lot of pieces in the last 2 months leading up to Christmas. It has been fun and a good for my ego 🙂

Cedar Ranch was a Success!
So, my wife and I sold 10 paintings at the Cedar Ranch Show. I have been taking an online course from Rusty Jones, and my wife has been auditing the class. We did a lot of 5×7 demos, I did several 8×10’s and we sold 10 pieces including a large piece I did on my own a year ago called the Tree in Monterey. This is the first successful show since the bain of Covid.

Taking a Workshop
Taking a Workshop with Rusty Jones online. These are 3 of 4 5×7’s I did last week. The weekly assignments are getting me to be more diligent about painting. The Course is called In Celebration of Nature
His website is Rusty Jones Art