My wife, Leigh Peterson, started taking lessons with my mother, Jean Peterson, about 5 years ago, and is now having fun contributing to our sales at art shows. Her subject matter has a wide appeal, especially to the ladies. I have added a page to my site for her. We get to paint together when we are both free from other obligations.
Mountain Birches – Selected for the Nov-Feb, Wimberley Valley Art League Winter show at the Wimberley Community Center and online at the WVAL website starting Nov. 18th.
This painting was from a dream I had. It was experimental in the use of Acrylics diluted to the consistency of watercolors. There is a set of houses on the outcrop with a wonderful view of the landscape.
My wife, Leigh, has recently taken up painting… Now she has done craft painting for years, but this past year she started painting with my mom when we visit my parents in Florida. My mom has painted for years and Leigh is taking lessons. She did 4 paintings in 8 days, mostly acrylics. But from the comments she is getting on Facebook, I think she may be more popular than me 🙂 Judge for yourself! The only thing I can say is that she copies other artists for now, so they can’t be sold, just enjoyed 🙂